Brain Integration: History & Future

In the early 1980s Susan McCrossin, A.P. and Charles Krebs PhD. traveled to the United States to learn Applied Kinesiology (AP) from Richard Utt. Richard created AP after years of his own health issues; and after learning Applied Kinesiology (AK) from Dr. Sheldon Deal, D.C. Many of these amazing doctors and innovators became part of the “Touch for Health” movement and developed treatments based on the principles of Applied Kinesiology. AK uses the Chinese meridian system, Indian chakra system, lymphatic and vascular points, and muscle monitoring to heal the body. The AP work Richard created went on to link specific physiological pathways to sequences of acupressure points beyond the AK model. Susan and Charles studied with Richard Utt and then took his amazing work back to Australia.  In 1988, they developed Brain Integration Technique (BIT), and Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP) from the foundations of neuroscience, AK and AP. In 1998, Susan McCrossin brought this work to the United States and started the Learning Enhancement Center in Boulder, Colorado. I met Susan McCrossin in 1998 and received BIT from her for my own learning issues. After completing my naturopathic medical training in 2004, I joined Susan McCrossin in her practice as a Naturopathic Doctor (ND). I relished this opportunity to work directly with her because it had changed my own ability to learn in such a dramatic way. I completed my BIT training and integrated these techniques in my own practice as an ND. I couldn’t imagine being a doctor without this important tool. I was in the first American class to receive Brain Integration Technique certification in 2006. 

Note: Crossinology’s Brain Integration Technique (BIT) formally known as Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP).


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