COVID-19 Suggestions for Supporting the Immune Response
I hope you and your families are healthy and safe from both the stress of the pandemic and COVID-19. We are here to help.
Naturopathic Medicine
I believe, that keeping my patients informed is just as important as the treatment I give. This section is a place I offer resources that empower you to be your own best health advocate and stay informed. The more confident you are about your health and treatment, the healthier the decisions you will make for you and your family. I update this area regularly so you have access to the latest information concerning your heath and well being.
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Diet & Nutrition
In many of the patients I treat, I stress therapies that depend on changing what they eat and what to avoid eating. Many disorders originate from gut health. What your body needs in nutrition is of vital importance. Please take the time to look at this helpful information. It will guide you in managing your diet and your nutrient intake.
Mind/ Body Relaxation
Managing stress in today’s ever-online lifestyle can be challenging. If not put in check, stress can lead to major health issues that can not only effect you, but others around you. In this section, I have collected some tried and true ways to make stress management easy. It really works!
Environmental Medicine
Toxic materials surround us all in our daily lives. Toxic materials can wreak havoc on our bodies. I have collected some information that will help you find ways to avoid exposure to these toxins. Minimizing exposure in toxic environments is a large step toward overall health and well-being.
Biological Medicine
Autism and many other disorders are difficult to understand. I hope that some of the links I have provided will help shed some more light on the complexities of these disorders. Whenever I find great resources to share, I will post them through my social media and update this page.
Brain Integration
Crossinology’s Brain Integration Technique (BIT) formally known as Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP)
Education & Associations
Do you ever wonder what it takes to become a Naturopathic Doctor? Where we are educated? How acclaimed and rigorous are the studies? What organizations back and support Naturopathic Medicine? In this section, I have links to pages that help you to do your own fact finding. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to explain my path to becoming a doctor and the similarities and differences between NDs and MDs.
Handouts & Info Sites
From cookbooks to information about Homeopathy, I have many great links around health practices and treatments. I also have provided you with links to many trusted, alternative therapies and practitioners.
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