
Dr. Pratt Featured in FREE Series on PROVEN Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science

I am excited to share FREE ACCESS with you and your loved ones to the world premiere launch of the 9-part documentary series I have been collaborating on!

PROVEN: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science is about the power of alternative medicines to heal the diseases of our time. The series will open your eyes to evidence-based healing methods that you may not have known about, as it provides fact-based solutions for things that may be ailing you or your family members.

The exclusive premiere is airing June 2nd – 10th, and it is an absolute must-see! 

Click here to watch the trailer and register for the series.

In the series, I will be specifically discussing Autoimmune, Brain, Gut and Reproductive Health in the following episodes:

– EPISODE 2: Immunity 101: Strengthening Your Body’s Defense And Rooting Out Hidden Infections (June 3rd, 7PM MST)

– EPISODE 3: How To Restore And Protect Your Brain (June 4th, 9PM MST)

– EPISODE 4: How To Balance Your Microbiome, Heal Digestive Issues And Overcome Autoimmune Disorders (June 5th, 9PM MST)

– EPISODE 9: Reproductive Health Secrets And Hormone Wellness (June 10th, 9PM MST)

Each episode will provide you with highly effective (and safe) approaches to wellness that will change your life… and it’s FREE to watch!

Click HERE to watch the trailer!

There are so many complementary, alternative and natural ways to protect – and to reclaim – strong, optimal health. Many of these healing resources are amazingly simple, and you can take advantage of them all by yourself!

Far more treatments and therapies exist in this world than you are being told about – and their power has been proven, scientifically.

Regardless of whether you want to turbocharge your immune health, boost your energy levels, or if it’s something more serious like healing a chronic disease, I cannot recommend this documentary series highly enough. I know there will be some treasure in it for you.

Click HERE to sign up for this limited-time premiere.

With Love,
Dr. Shelese Pratt

P.S. Be sure to share this world premiere with your friends and family – you can just forward this email directly and they’ll get access too.

Everyone can benefit from the powerful and practical information in this documentary series. Whether they are struggling with illness or simply want to stay healthy for the decades to come, there are life-changing treasures here for the taking.

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