My talk today is going to be EPIC. I’ll be sharing about: How Genetic Testing Should be Interpreted
Genetics are SO cool. It’s like having a window into our past AND into our future.
It shows you that you are never a victim of circumstance.
You have control.
You are a beautiful individual designed to thrive.
Yes, you carry the genes passed down, but you tell your body which markers to turn off and on.
You are in charge, and this event is your starting point. Click here to get my talkand hear dozens of other leaders share their best information on…
How Do Your Genes Impact You?
Cleaning Your Genes With Food
Your Genes and Your Mental Health
Altering Your Genetic Expression
The Building Blocks of Healthy Families (and generations!)
Understanding How Your Genes Work
Genetic Testing and How to Clean Up Your Genes for the Long Term
If you haven’t done so yet, please click here to sign up for The Dirty Genes Summit and hear my talk today.
No cost – just priceless information.
To your health,
Dr. Shelese Pratt
PS: This is your life – it is not the dress rehearsal. There’s no do over. Click here to get my talk and let it inspire you today – and maybe define some good things for tomorrow.