So many things have been happening at The Pratt Clinics!
As many of you know, we have a new Office Manager, May Ly. She is an amazing asset to our team and has helped us grow this year! She is the expert in our medical software and portal information. Thanks to May, we now offer our telemedicine though CHARM! She is the person to call if you need to schedule with us, order supplements, learn more about your medical portal, or ask any general information about the clinic. She is in the office Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm.
We also have 2 new members of The Pratt Clinics’ staff.
Lindsey Christensen has joined us with her excellent nutritionist skills. She offers help in all areas of nutrition. If I have suggested a diet or food restriction, she can help you with recipes, grocery lists, meal planning and much more. Lindsey had her own health issues that lead her towards her masters in nutrition and is now committed to helping people regain their health. Please call the office to hear about how Lindsey can help you!
Caroline Wilten has joined our clinic to offer Brain Integration Technique (BIT). She is an exceptional practitioner and has a much lower hourly rate for BIT than I do. If you have been thinking about getting BIT for yourself or a family member, seeing Caroline is a great option. Caroline experienced profound results with her son’s integration and was inspired to study and become a Crossinology BIT practitioner.
In case you haven’t heard about BIT, this treatment is designed for many kinds of learning difficulties; attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD), dyslexia, auditory processing disorders, visual processing disorders, and executive functioning problems. BIT is also successful in treating sensory processing disorders, poor coordination, closed head traumas and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), cerebral palsy (CP), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and genetic conditions. BIT enhances learning abilities and improves reading, comprehension, spelling and coordination for children and adults. To learn more about BIT please see our website or call the office.
Finally, some of your supplements will have a new look! Lead contamination is becoming a big issue in the supplement and tea industry. It is more important now than ever to buy high quality supplements and know where they come from. I spend a lot of time choosing the best quality, purity, and most therapeutic medicines I can find for you. This is why we have created a whole line of superior formulations and clean products labeled under our name. Please call our office to learn more.
It is always an honor to be your doctor. I hope that the new offerings at my clinic will continue to help you towards your health goals. I always welcome your feedback and look forward to speaking to you or seeing you soon!
Best wishes,
Dr. Shelese Pratt, N.D.