Blog Posts
Eating Healthy Part 2: Intentions & Tracking
by Dr. Shelese Pratt ND @ The Pratt Clinics Boulder, Colorado 303.284.3180 I hope you are starting to employ the first few steps towards a healthy diet and lifestyle. Loving yourself, practicing mindfulness, and looking at your habits can make big changes
Eating Healthy Part 1: Mindfulness & Habits
by Dr. Shelese Pratt ND @ The Pratt Clinics Boulder, Colorado 303.284.3180 There are so many different ideas about how to live a healthier life. I understand, it can be a confusing road to go down. There are a lot of
How to Battle the Back to School Bug
by Dr. Shelese Pratt ND @ The Pratt Clinics Boulder, Colorado It’s that time of year again. Fall is the time of year when our kids go back to school and we dread every sign of a sniffle, cough, and sore
Chew On This, and Chew Well
by Dr. Shelese Pratt ND @ The Pratt Clinics Boulder, Colorado I am asked regularly about how I feel about digestive enzymes. Most people are surprised when I tell them I don’t like using digestive enzymes for more than a couple
A Note On Weightloss
Check out this fascinating article by Live Science about the struggle with obesity. This article scientifically explains how the brain works when it comes to cravings, eating habits, and how depression affects the body. The battle with weight gain and self-esteem is one
What kind of overwhelm do you have?
by Dr. Shelese Pratt ND @ The Pratt Clinics Boulder, Colorado Overwhelm is part of life. It is a wonderful stress response if used correctly. If we step off a curb in New York City and almost get hit by a
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